Category: Parenthood and Married Life

  • A Meaningful Nochebuena

    0 Likes Thank You!  I could still hear the singing and belly laughs from our neighbor’s family gathering. It was Christmas Eve, December of 1995. And as expected, people were in festive mood. I was peeking from

  • Emotional Attachment and Letting Go

    0 Likes Thank You!  I rolled my hands in a feather light touch over the baby clothes in front of me. Oh, how little they were! I could not believe my boys used to be this tiny. My firstborn is now eight

  • A Call To Trust Him

    0 Likes Thank You!  “Unlock the Einstein Inside…” It was the title of a display in one of the numerous tables in the resource room during the Special Parent Information Network (SPIN) conference I attended last Saturday.

  • What If: A reflection on Christian Anthropology

    0 Likes Thank You!  A question popped up while watching my son from a distance. “What if Theo doesn’t have ASD?” Theo was with his big brother, sitting gleefully in one of the multiple units of the

  • The Dual Nature of Christ: A Reflection on Christology

    0 Likes Thank You!  During one of our commutes, my son spotted a young man by the bus stop who had his hair colored in green. When he was close enough to verify that the young man’s


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